August 23, 2024 | BPS Activities
During August 2024, the Pacitan Regency Central Statistics Agency (BPS) carried out routine SAKERNAS activities, namely the National Labor Force Survey. This activity begins with field data collection on August 8 2024.
In this SAKERNAS data collection, Pacitan Regency BPS employees acted as activity supervisors (PML), while Pacitan Regency BPS partners acted as enumerators (PCL). PML ensures that data collection procedures run smoothly, while PCL is directly involved in data collection in the field. The PML and PCL teams went to the field to conduct direct surveys in residents' homes. SAKERNAS data collection includes information about number of family members, employment status, education, and other aspects that are important for development planning and employment policy.
The community responded positively to the presence of the PML and PCL BPS Pacitan Regency teams, enthusiastically providing the necessary information. Active citizen involvement is the key to success in collecting valid and relevant data.
It is hoped that the results of the SAKERNAS data collection will provide a better understanding of the realities of the workforce and become the basis for more appropriate policies to support sustainable development.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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