FGD Evaluation of the Compilation of Pacitan Regency in Figures - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pacitan Regency

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FGD Evaluation of the Compilation of Pacitan Regency in Figures

FGD Evaluation of the Compilation of Pacitan Regency in Figures

December 5, 2024 | BPS Activities

Today, December 5, 2024, BPS Pacitan Regency held an FGD Evaluation Activity for the Preparation of the Pacitan Regency in Figures Publication. This activity was attended by OPD/Agencies as data contributors in the Pacitan Regency in Figures Publication.

With this activity, it is hoped that it can provide a clearer picture of the effectiveness and efficiency in compiling DDA and improve the quality of regional data publications that can provide maximum benefits for various interested parties.

Let's join the excitement!





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