Development of Jawa Timur Consumer Price Index June 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pacitan Regency

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Development of Jawa Timur Consumer Price Index June 2018

Release Date : November 9, 2018
File Size : 0.54 MB


In June 2018 Jawa Timur experienced inflation of 0.42 percent. The entire city of IHK Jawa Timur experienced inflation. The highest inflation in Sumenep reached 0.84 percent while the lowest inflation occurred in Malang at 0.25 percent. In June 2018 from seven expenditure groups, six groups experienced inflation, and one group experienced deflation. The group that experienced the highest inflation was the Transport, Communication and Financial Services group 1.13 percent, while the deflationary group was clothing by 0.06 percent.
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