The Development of Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) of Jawa Timur First Quarter of 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pacitan Regency

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The Development of Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) of Jawa Timur First Quarter of 2018

Release Date : November 12, 2018
File Size : 0.31 MB


Jawa Timur's consumer economic condition improved in the period from January to March 2018, with indicator of Tendency Index of Consumers (ITK) in the first Quarter of 2018 of 108.76. Increased by 1.00 points compared to the fourth quarter-2017 (index value 107.76). ITK of Jawa Timur Quarter II-2018 is estimated at 122.94, higher than ITK Quarter I-2018 (index value 108.76). From the data of the last six years, ITK movement pattern from Quarter IV to Quarter I next year always increase.
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